Snow & Ice Management Services:

  • Snow Plowing
  • Sidewalk Snow Clearing
  • Salting & Deicing
  • Snow Stacking
  • Snow Removal and Hauling

"We take the job of managing the risks of snow & ice seriously."

We provide snow removal and salting for commercial and industrial parking lots of all sizes. (Sorry, no residential driveways). As an option to our plowing service customers, we have sidewalk snow shoveling and several different levels of de-icing service available.  We keep sufficient levels of bulk salt in our own covered salt bin and are well stocked with sidewalk deicer too.

To us, it’s not just about pushing snow. We realize the responsibly our customers have to manage the risks of snow and ice on their sites. We are here to work with you to help you reduce that risk. We have backup equipment and drivers to help cover some of the unexpected events like breakdowns or big storms. We even have a “Blizzard Plan” in place just in case the next “Big One” hits this winter. We run our operation based on the philosophy “Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.” We have specialized equipment to handle the job and our own heavy equipment to dig things out when the need arises. We observe the local weather ourselves on a regular schedule so we know when to start work regardless of what the forecasters are saying. We won’t let you down!

Our snow removal staff is all full time, year round employees.

Full Time Staff

Because we employ our staff full- time, year-round, we know we can count on them to come in at the middle of the night when it snows. Other companies use part-time, on-call staff that may not always show up. We have a great team you can depend on.

A picture of our payloader performing Snow Removal.

Stacking & Hauling

We have the equipment to stack snow on your site or to haul it away. Since we own the payloaders and dump trucks for our farm operations, there is never a delay in using it to service your needs. 

A picture of of plowing equipment being serviced at our shop

Our Shop

At Weaver Family Farms we have our own repair shop and the tools, skills and desire to keep our snow equipment running in top condition so it is always ready to serve our clients. Snow removal can be a tough business so we stay ready for whenever it snows.

A picture of our farming equipment set up for snow removal.

Great Equipment

Lots of our farm equipment converts to snow equipment for great utilization all winter long. Since the equipment is large and heavy-duty, it does a great job for our customers without any stress or struggle. And because we already own the equipment, it helps keep our prices very competitive.

A picture of some of our American Trucks ready for snow removal.

Self Trucking

One of the greatest challenges for snow professionals today is finding and shipping salt and other deicers. Our fleet of tractor trailers allows us to source and truck all of our own salt and deicer materials as well as haul our own snow. This not only makes us more reliable, it also helps us keep our prices reasonable.